13 March - 7 May 2018
Main Foyer
Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS

An installation reflecting upon the interactions between people and plants, that are essential for creating healthier cities.


A lack of clean air is a recognised problem in urban areas. One way of addressing this is by increasing the amount of plants we have in our buildings, and the spaces around them. By creating ‘living walls’(structures often made of foliage, flowers and trees), we allow these organic systems to purify the air we breathe, both indoors and outdoors. Plants absorb carbon dioxide through their root systems and trap other polluting matter, and Breathe: A Green Lung is a creative interpretation of the ‘ecosystem services’ they are providing.


The installation comprises two living wall structures forming a triangular enclosure, with openings that provide vantage points to view an inner sanctuary with stained-glass greenhouse inside. You’re invited to immerse yourself in the sound and light that emanates from inside and contemplate the new relationships we must continue to forge with the natural world. 


Devised by Cityscapes with Heywood & Condie and delivered in partnership with Treebox by Biotecture. The project is funded as part of the City of London Corporation’s Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) project and is supported by the Mayor of London.